Everyone knows that the best part of Lost is the constant and omnipresent yelling. Over the next 19 days, as we count down to the Season Premiere, we'll be revisiting the best yells in the series' loud history. Here are a few that didn't quite make the cut.

A pensive Kate Austen realizes she's just done the lamest thing ever.
While there were many moments of awesomeness to come for young outlaw Kate Austen, her surprisingly successful attempt at stopping Sayid from murdering Sawyer with his barehands (or ankles) in Lost's pilot episode sure hell wasn't one of them.
In the pantheon of Lost Yells, this one is flaccid, uninspired and should have been completely uneffective. I guess even then Sawyer was pretty much completely at Kate's beck and call.
But take heart, dear readers, because it only gets better from here.

An inebriated Christian Shepard stumbles onto the set of One Life To Live.
Because having a baby kidnapped and being the subject of weird, needle-driven experiments isn't enough to make you interesting and because The Island Needed Your Platonic Boyfriend (no way they ever fucked) As A Sacrifice, the LindelCuse Monster decided that Claire needed to have the most ridiculous subplot ever: Your Dad, My Dad.
And so, one rainy night in Australia, Ana Lucia Cortez watched America's Favorite Show spiral into it's most James Hurlian storyline ever and we, as viewers, could only cover our ears.
Things do get better, thankfully, because this was some seriously lame shit.

Oh, Charlie...
So which is it, Pace? Were you too dopesick? Too lazy? Was the poor scuba-ing lass not Claire enough for you to want to save?
Whatever it was, we know you're lying. Sure you may not have won a medal for it, but you swim. We've seen you do it.
You're literally a washed up rock and roll star, Charlie. But for whatever reason, you made Jack go into the water to save that poor woman instead of you doing it yourself. Karma's a bitch, isn't it?
What's that? "Glub glub gllllub?" That doesn't make any sense at all...

It was your dumb idea, stupid.
Although this particular Season Three episode does a good job of making the people who complain that the first six episodes of the season focused too much on Jack, Kate, and Sawyer look stupid, it still features one of the tactically brilliant Sayid's dumber ideas.
And so Sun ends up shooting poor Trixie in the chest and gets knocked off the sailboat. But don't get too concerned, Jin. She shouldn't have been on that boat in the first place.
Also, when it comes to yelling in the water, you've got awfully big shoes to fill.
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