So, I've finally settled on a pecking order for my great Journey Through Whedon Past. See, I recently picked up Season 5 of Buffy and Season 2 of Angel (and the complete Firefly), and started watching Season 4 of Buffy and 1 of Angel in tandem, as they aired at the same times, with a bonus Firefly after each pair. Then, as I became more aware of how butchered these eps were in syndication (which is how I first saw them), I realized that i really needed to go allll the way back to Season 2, like the fourth episode ("Inca Mummy Girl") which is where I left off almost a year ago, at my last stab at a Journey Through Whedon Past. So. Now, I'm going to watch "Inca Mummy Girl", and then the rest of Season 2, Season 3, the parts of Season 4 and Angel Season 1 I hadn't gotten to yet (I'd say i was about a third of the way done with each of them), then Season 5 and Angel Season 2, and then the rest of Firefly. Which is great. So far.
For those of you wondering why Genre City is so irrepressibly late, wonder no more.
No, seriously, I do still work on my comic. All. The. Time. But give a guy a break every now and again.