To the three of you who may have tried to read my comic over the last few weeks, you'll note that it is no longer holed up on my website.
That's because Genre City is now under the completely professional auspices (I filled out tax forms and everything!) of Modern Tales.
For the three or four of you who have avidly read Genre City and praised its name over the past year or so, this may come as a bit of a disappointment. After all, I'm starting the comic again from Page 1 again and, even though its got sparkling new lettering that is already, on Day 1, garnering gasps of praise and admiration, at two updates a week, you're going to have to wait a whole heck of a long time to see how the story you've been reading pans out. Also, you'll have to pay to read it. (Although daily updates are free until they're replaced). (And once the first 7 pages are done [in a few weeks] they will be free forever). (So basically you have until midnight Wednesday to read Page 1 or you'll have to subscribe). (Which really doesn't cost that much considering the ridiculous amount of material you'll have access to). (Not to mention my new Promotional Artwork, which is so fabulously tops).
I'm reminded of Jed Bartlett's speech at a VFW Hall before he was elected Fake President of Fake America, where he admits to completely boning the Vermont Dairy Farmers who had voted him Governor in order to help impoverished children.
Well, my three or four Vermont Dairy Farmers, I am going to have to completely bone you to help impoverished me. I hope you'll continue to support Genre City in its new home with its new and very special lettering. It updates Tuesday and Thursday. I make money every time you read it. So please support your newly Professional cartoonist and check it out.
It launched today, June 1, 2004. You have been warned.