So, I've had a full day to mull it over, digest what I've read, and my original sentiment toward's Stephen King's latest (final?) novel The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower still stands.
No, seriously. It's fan-fucking-tastic, a luminous beacon of badassery, deeming my temporarily halted quest to read all of his books as completely and utterly righteous. I wouldn't dare spoil a thing, not on your life. You'll have to make it to your own state of blubbering exhaustion in turn.
But it is worth the ever-lovin' journey. Is it ever.
Each of the five parts of the book contain a novel's worth of event, of action, of character; it is truly the Jetson's Dinner Capsule of Popular Novels. Any significant plot thread introduced in the previous 6 books is dealt with, not to mention a few lovely new ones. My personal favorite things in the novel, without spoilers?
Well, never is the resonance of this cycle of books more apparent than when he deals with the regular joes and janes whose lives are briefly touched by the action and actions of our Ka-Tet. In this final volume, the tiny lives of John Cullum and Irene Tassenbaum are briefly illuminated by Roland's quest, and they make up some of the most resonant moments in the book. You'll read it. You'll know what I mean.
Also? The whole fucking thing. Every page.
And no matter what you've heard about the ending, you haven't. Trust me. If you don't like it, honestly, you haven't been paying attention.
And that's all I'm going to say this week. I'll give you all a chance to finish up. But come next week, all bets are off.
So, go, now. Read.