Just wanted to let everyone know, I will be at SPX in Bethesda, MD this weekend, October 1st to the 3rd. Table 6-B in the Versailles room, right next to Drew Weing. Why, you ask? Well, first off, to get the buzz going for my new enterprise, Interstate !. And, I guess secondarily, TO SELL MY VERY FIRST SELF-PUBLISHED MINI-COMIC, BEE-HA! It's got the very first Near, Mississippi story in it, which I've titled, "A Worrying Thing". (Sneak a peek-a-loo!) It also comes with a special bonus page and 12 pages of Everything Jake comics by Mike Rosenzweig. If you're there, say hello. And, also, buy the comic.
You can also read the prologue of Genre City in full color at my Computerless Computer Terminal.