This week in Genre City: My favorite drawing of Kid Insomnia, hell probably my favorite bout of cartooning, ever. In the panel where he catches Mister Peripheral, I don't know, everything just balanced perfectly on his head. I could just stare at it all day. Unfortunately, it's also a "Fresh Nib" page, meaning I just switched to a new nib as of this page and since it's so sharp, it tears into the page at regular (but microscopic) intervals, causing a lot of inconsistent line weight. Which does not gel very nicely with my new Light Touch Inking Ethos. My pencils are still tighter than ever, especially on the wee panels, which I used to draw with hardly any detail at all, and that's helped with damage control on this "Fresh Nib" Minefield.
You'll be happy to know that as if this page, I know exactly where KA's chapter is headed. More depressing sentiment all around. Christ, when is something nice going to happen to these people.
Also, for those of you on Genre City Boston Terrier Watch, that is indeed a Boston Terrier hocking Chibi Chow Brand Dog Food. I ought to copyright that, it's such a clever idea. Hey, I think, technically, I just did! You rule, America!
Note: The installment in question is only available for free at the above link until the morning of 3/23/2005. After that, it's subscribers only.