This week's Genre City, I have to say, is sort of the perfect encapsulation of the Genre City ethos, if such a thing actually existed. You've got our main characters, you know, sorting their stuff out, while in the peripheral, your average superfantastical goings on are taking place.
This particular chapter is being written almost completely on the fly. I have no earthly idea what's going to happen after the first panel of the next page. Of course I know where Genre City is headed. I've had the final ten pages locked in head for over two years. I've got an amazing sequence in the middle. But this here is the smack middle of the approach. I've got to get everyone from here to the dance floor, and how they get there is sort of up to them. All of our other protagonists have pretty defined arcs by necessity. Kid Insomnia is sort of the wild card in all of this. It's kind of fitting, though, that I came up with his exact design, which has not been changed at all, when I was fifteen. He's the oldest member of our little Genre City family, and, at this point, the one most filled with surprises. This ought to be a fun five pages coming up.
I am heartened in this predicament by all the lovely behind the scenes press Deadwood has been getting lately, which talks by and large about how much David Milch flies by the seat of his pants almost 80% of the time, creating new storylines on the fly when the characters warrant it. You can expect a shitload of this in Genre City. If you're not invested in the characters at this point (and this is perfectly possible, considering the screen time they've gotten as individuals), if you're just sticking around for the arcane pop culture references, well, I won't disuade you. But know that Genre City isn't really about those things. It's about these five strange and lovely people and the meandering way in which they get on with things.
Fair warning.
Note: The installment in question is only available for free at the above link until the morning of 3/16/2005. After that, it's subscribers only.