Sweet Christmas, it's been like FOREVER since I last posted on this thing. Why, you ask? I've been hip deep entrenched in getting together my latest mini-comic creation and for the past very long while I've been doing nothing but post-production for it. Spotting blacks, doing borders and letters in Illustrator, that sort of thing.
See? The title works on so many levels.
I have to say I'm burstingly excited about this new comic. I've yet to mention its name because it's already been nicked once and even though the new title is better than the old one, if you think I'm saying that bitch out loud before I've got it folded, stapled, and printed in my bare hands, then you are just out of your goddamned mind.
There's more on the horizon. Like a stand alone subscription site exclusively for Interstate ! material, including a serialized illustrated novel that's going to let me get down and dirty into the details of Genre City and the Interstate ! Universe at large.
And I'm sure I'll be posting at length about the new Star Wars movie and the new Gorillaz album and the Lost and Deadwood Season Finales and so so so much more. So, thanks Alex, for the kind comment below. But I'm back now. So show some respect to our fallen brother and quit frivolously dropping his quotes!
I'm on it like John Gulager, son!
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